Friday, November 18, 2011

Piggy Cupcakes and Friday Fierceness

I was fortunate enough to raise money through my company bake sale to support the BCRF (Breast Cancer Research Foundation). One of my besties - Melissa and I baked three different types of cupcakes - from scratch - and everyone died over them! Five hours later (and many laughs, mishaps, and icing covered bodies later) the cupcakes were done! Our cupcakes raised over $100 for the charity, and the piggies sold out in only 2 hours! So proud. See below for photos:

Pink piggy cupcakes!


The piggies displayed at the bake sale

The other two batches we made!
Purple - Dark chocolate cake with marshmallow filling
Pink - Red Velvet cake with cream cheese frosting

Bake Sale!

Although the cupcakes looked beautiful displayed and sitting pretty, there were still some...mishaps along the way:

Marshmallow filing fail.
I didn't put the frosting in deep enough!

The infamous "orange" velvet.
We MAY have used yellow food coloring instead of red by mistake.
Then added a ton of red on top of the mustard-colored yellow.
I guess the orange was close enough for us HAHA!

A job well done deserves margaritas at 1am

And here is a little Friday Fierceness from yours truly. The colorful cupcakes inspired me to do a colorful photoshoot haha. Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!

Pink moment. Vintage pearls from my great aunt

Gel liner wings

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